Strengths Search Input You've been asked to provide input on somebody's strengths. 1. Strengths List: Strengths are the things at which people most excel. They make us feel powerful when using them, and we’re able to perform at a high level with them. Review the list of strengths below and, thinking about the person who sent you this request, note the strengths at which that person excels.(Required)1. Strengths List Action-taking Adapting Advising Advocating Analyzing Arranging Assessing Awakening Building Calming Caring / caregiving Challenges: overcoming Challenging Change: initiating Change: managing Clarifying Coaching Coalition-building Collaborating Communicating Composing Composure: maintaining Connecting Coordinating: people, projects Counseling Creating Crisis: managing Critiquing Culture: building Curating Deal-making / deal-closing Debating Deciding Defending people Designing Details: noticing Developing people Diagnosing Dialogue: fostering Diplomacy Discovery - Distilling: getting to the essence Documenting Editing Efficiency Empathizing Empowering Encouraging Engaging people Engineering Entertaining Executing Experimenting Explaining Expressing Facilitating Fixing Focus Following Forecasting Getting things done Goal-achievement Goal-setting Growing things Guiding Harmony: creating Healing Helping Hiring Humor Idea generation / brainstorming Imagining Implementing Improving things Including Influencing Initiating Innovating Inspiring Interpreting: data, etc. Intuition Inventing - Investigating Joy: bringing Judgment Launching Leading Learning Listening Loving Managing Marketing Maximizing Mediating Mentoring Mobilizing: people, resources Motivating Negotiating Noticing Number-crunching Nurturing Observing Opportunity: creating Opportunity: recognizing Optimizing Orchestrating Organizing Pattern recognition Peacemaking Perceiving Performing Persevering through obstacles Perspective: seeing the big picture Persuading Pitching Planning Potential: eliciting Potential: seeing Presenting Problem-solving Process: designing Process: improving - Projects: managing Promoting Protecting Prototyping Questioning Recruiting Relating: forming close relationships Researching Restoring Selling Serving Simplifying Skills: manual Skills: technical Speaking Speaking up / truth-telling Starting things Storytelling Strategizing Supporting Synthesizing Taking charge Teaching Team-building Thinking conceptually Thinking critically Time: managing Training Translating Trendspotting Troubleshooting Trust: developing Understanding Validating others Visioning Winning Wondering Writing Others (see below)... Other Strengths: Review the strengths you selected from the list above and think about whether that person has any major strengths that are missing from the list. List any other of their major strengths here: Other Strengths: 2. Core Strengths: Reviewing your answers to the questions above, list this person’s three to five core strengths—the things at which they most excel. If you can, place them in order, or at least identify their top strength. If you wish, feel free to write a brief description of what you’ve observed about each strength and the impact it’s had on you or others. (Required)2. Core Strengths:(Required)Your Name(Required) First Last Your Email(Required) Share Input(Required)To share your input with the person asking for it, please enter their email address here: By submitting this assessment you agree to receive email newsletters from Gregg Vanourek. You can unsubscribe at any time.NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ