Craft Your Life and Work

Wondering what’s next? Lacking clarity and direction? Or are you living from a foundation of clear purpose, vision, and aspiration?

It’s time to craft your life and work. I’m here to help you through my courses, workshops, speaking, coaching, and writing.

Tools for You:

Take the Traps Test

We all fall into traps in life. Sometimes we’re not even aware of it, and we can’t get out of traps we don’t know we’re in. Evaluate yourself with our Traps Test.

Work With Me To Craft Your Life and Work Intentionally

Courses & Workshops

My interactive courses and workshops help transition-seekers, career-changers, mid-career professionals, and others. Invest in your personal and professional development through programs in life design, personal development, traps of living, leadership, and more. Invest in yourself and your future.


Book me for your next event. I’ll share powerful insights and actionable tools in talks on life design, personal development, and leadership. I create and deliver custom speaking engagements for companies, nonprofits, associations, conferences, executive programs, schools, and universities.​ Invest in your people.


Wondering what’s next? Rethinking your current path? Lacking clarity and direction? Seeking more? I’ll serve as your trusted guide, helping you go from where you are to where you want to go. Invest in yourself and invest in your future by crafting a life by design.

Life Design and Leadership Development

Crafting Your Life & Work Course

The Crafting Your Life and Work Course

The world has changed in recent years, and now is your opportunity to change with it. Find fulfillment and freedom doing what you were meant to do using the tools and strategies you’ll learn in this interactive and transformational course. Learn how to craft your life and work intentionally and navigate transitions.
Learn More

LIFE Entrepreneurs

LIFE Entrepreneurs: Ordinary People Creating Extraordinary Lives

Get the inspiring guide for integrating your life and work with purpose and passion. Learn the stories of 55 “LIFE entrepreneurs” who creatively infused their lives with authenticity, connection, courage, service, and fulfillment. The book will call you to craft your life intentionally.
Learn More

Triple Crown Leadership

Triple Crown Leadership: Building Excellent, Ethical, and Enduring Organizations

Learn a better brand of leadership that builds excellent, ethical, and enduring organizations, ones that achieve exceptional positive impacts for their stakeholders ethically and sustainably. Develop yourself as a leader with the help of this powerful book.
Learn More


TEDx Talk: "Discover Mode: Finding Your Quest"

In this talk, “Discover Mode: Finding Your Quest," Gregg combines key ideas from entrepreneurship, design thinking and the lean startup movement into lessons on ways to lead a more fulfilling and good life. Learn about the common traps of living and the importance of rediscovering who we are and what we want to do in life.
Watch Here

Dive in Deeper

Traps Test

We all fall into traps in life. Often we’re not even aware of them. Take this test to identify the common traps of living that are getting in the way of your happiness & quality of life.

Strengths Search

Identify your top 3 to 5 core strengths. Figure out ways to integrate your strengths more into your life and work. Share your strengths with others–and get their input on your strengths.

Quality of Life Assessment

We’re used to checking our progress when it comes to health, finances, work, and more. Evaluate your quality of life in ten key areas. Discover your strongest areas and the areas that need work.

Book a

Contact me and request a meeting. I can learn more about your context, goals, and challenges, and we can explore the possibility of working together. Reach out and get in touch. 

Powerful Programs

Gregg will challenge you to raise your sights about your life and work so you can be who you are, love what you do, and connect with and serve others.

As Featured In:

Your Guide

You want a good life with good work, rich with vitality and connection. You want to live with purpose and passion, making progress toward your highest aspirations while enjoying life, making a difference, and feeling good.

To do that, you need clarity, direction, and clear steps forward.

I’ve seen the common traps that can hold you back. In fact, I’ve fallen into many of them. I’m here to help you get out of them and move forward with purpose and passion. Let me be your guide.

Work with me to:

  • Craft a good life with good work
  • Clarify and activate your purpose, values, and vision
  • Regain your clarity, direction, and motivation
  • Avoid the common traps of living that inhibit your happiness and quality of life (e.g., negative self-talk, overthinking, and settling)
  • Move forward with clarity and confidence
  • Develop your leadership skills–and address your leadership derailers


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Best Articles

Read my best articles on various topics–life, happiness, self-improvement, leadership, and more–to help you learn, grow, and develop. Here’s living and leading intentionally. Enjoy!
Gregg Vanourek

Get my manifesto on “The Common Traps of Living”

Get my manifesto on the common traps of living so you can figure out which traps you’re in (we all get trapped sometimes) and learn about ways to start climbing out of them. It starts now.

Take the Traps Test

Discover some of the common traps of living--things that get in the way of our happiness, quality of life, and fulfillment.

Take the Test

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