Best Articles
With so many articles and blogs on my site, I know it can be hard to know where to begin. This page compiles the best articles from our top categories to help you discover what calls to you. Enjoy! -Gregg
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Life (and the Traps of Living)
Self-Deception: Why We Do It and How to Stop It
Article Summary: What self-deception is, including examples and signs of it, where it comes from, its high costs (as well as some benefits), how it
The Trap of Self-Doubt—And How to Overcome It
We’ve all experienced self-doubt. We’ve felt uncertain about ourselves and our place in the world. Or we’ve questioned our capabilities and potential. Any time we
Are You Feeling Empty Inside?
Article Summary: Many people feel empty inside, even if it’s hard to admit for some. This article contains the signs and causes of feeling empty—and
The Trap of Losing Yourself
These days, will all the pressures and pushes we feel, it can be easy to lose ourselves. We get consumed by events or other people’s
The Trap of a Victim Mentality—And What to Do About It
Article Summary: What a victim mentality is, signs of it, where it comes from, its many costs, and what to do about it. +++ When
Breaking the “Trance of Unworthiness”
Many of us are walking around in a “trance of unworthiness.” It’s a gnawing feeling that we’re deeply flawed. It tells us we’re not worthy
What to Do About Overthinking, Rumination, and Worrying
One of the common traps of living affecting so many of us these days is overthinking—excessively analyzing something or dwelling on possibilities and second-guessing ourselves.
The Mental Prisons We Build for Ourselves
“Our life is what our thoughts make it.” –Marcus Aurelius, Meditations Though we like to think of ourselves as free, many of us are confined
The Trap of Caring Too Much about What Other People Think
We humans are social animals. We’re wired to think about our role in the group and about how others think of us. It matters in
Why Monkey Mind Is Worse Than You Think— And What to Do About It
Many of us are going through much of our lives with a “monkey mind” that’s restless and easily distracted, with thoughts swinging wildly in different
The Power of Reframing to Change Our Outlook
Article Summary: Many of us suffer with a large volume of negative thoughts. Reframing is a powerful practice that can change the way we see
This Is How to Be More Decisive: 20 Practices
To live and lead well, we must be decisive. While this may come naturally for some, many people struggle with it for a variety of
Why We Want Adventure in Our Lives—And How to Get It
Afoot and light-hearted I take to the open road, Healthy, free, the world before me. -Walt Whitman, poet Adventure. It’s an amazing part of life
How to Stop Avoiding Things: 17 Practices
Struggle with avoidance? We all avoid things sometimes. It’s natural. Do you tend to bypass that difficult task? Put things off until later—or never? Steer
The Incredible Benefits of Being Action-Oriented
One of the greatest assets we can build in our lives is an action orientation. No great things are possible without action. Are you action-oriented?
This Is How to Avoid Complacency
Have you become complacent? Have you been lulled into a state of easy contentment? Or are you at risk of not paying enough attention to
What Reflecting on Death Can Teach Us about Living
Death. We have a tendency to avoid thinking about it, talking about it, and planning for it. For many, death is their greatest fear. So
The Power of Taking Full Responsibility for Your Life
Responsibility. It’s a word we hear a lot. We take on more responsibilities as we go through life. Responsibility for the rent. Car payments. Mortgage.
What Leads to Happiness?
What leads to happiness? We all want to be happy—and for those we care about to be happy. Here’s the problem: we’re unclear and often
The Most Common Myths about Happiness
Happiness is a universal aspiration. We all want happiness, including a sense of wellbeing and overall life satisfaction. Here’s the problem: we’re bad at knowing
The Surprising Relationship between Success and Happiness
Many people believe in the logic: When I’m successful, I’ll be happy. Sounds reasonable. After all, professional success will bring a sense of accomplishment and
Why Is Happiness So Elusive?
(This article is part of a series on happiness. See the end of the article for more articles in the series.) We want to be
Why Happiness Is the Wrong Goal
Let’s face it. We’re obsessed with happiness: Am I happy? I just want to be happy. I want my kids to be happy. Why doesn’t
The Most Important Contributor to Happiness
In our search for happiness and its close cousins, well-being and life satisfaction, we’ve seen that it’s complex. In a previous post, we noted 20
Work and Career
Burnout and the Great Resignation
Burnout has been a big problem for millions of people for a long time now. And it’s getting worse. Burnout is also affecting more young
Golden Handcuffs: Stuck in a Job You Don’t Like?
Stuck in a job you don’t like? Enduring it? Too often, we do it for the money, the security, or the prestige, but not for
Is Your Identity Wrapped Up Too Much in Your Work?
Work is a big part of our lives. It’s essential to our income and security, and it can be a source of meaning and satisfaction.
Do You Have Margin in Your Life?
Many of us are always “on” these days, running from task to task. Never-ending demands. Frenetic pace. We fill every available moment with activity or
Choice Overload and Career Transitions
We all face transitions in life and work. The transition from school to work. From one job or career to another. To marriage and family.
Designing Your Work for Flow
We’ve all heard of flow—that remarkable state of being in the zone and operating at our best. Many of us have experienced it. But what exactly
The People Who Fuel Your Passions
Who are the people who fuel your passions—the things that consume you with palpable emotion over time? For me, there are so many. There are
The Problem with Not Having Boundaries
How well have you been setting boundaries lately? Have you been proactively defining how others should treat you? How about establishing limits for yourself that
How to Practice Acceptance When Things Are Tough
These days, you may be feeling anxious or concerned. It’s no wonder, given how much uncertainty and strife we’re seeing regularly. What’s on your mind? Is
Unlock the Power of Progress
You probably have aspirations, and you know that to accomplish them you need to apply yourself and get going on relevant work. But you may
Avoid These New Year’s Resolution Pitfalls
New year’s resolutions are famously difficult to achieve. So much so that they’re the butt of jokes. “May all your troubles last as long as
Why You Should Do an Annual Life Review–And How
You’re probably familiar with an annual performance review. According to SHRM, about 71% of organizations conduct them. But not many people have done an annual